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Every Sunday @ 10:00 am
808 8th Street, Marysville, CA 95901

Day 4 – 31 Days of Prayer

Truth for Today

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” – Colossians 3:13

Thought for Today

Why does God make such an issue of forgiveness?

1. Forgiveness reflects God’s character. When we forgive we reflect the Father’s heart. The standard is this: forgive AS He has forgiven you. Forgiveness gives us the opportunity to extend to others what God has extended to us.

2. Forgiveness sets us free. The alternative to forgiveness is bitterness and resentment. We believe we’re hurting the other person by not forgiving them. But, we’re really only hurting ourselves when we don’t forgive.

3. Forgiveness releases God’s power in your life and in the life of the one forgiven. Just as God’s grace had a transforming effect on your life, your extension of His grace to others has the power to transform them. When we endure and forgive, rather than strike back and resent others, we open the doorway to God’s grace.

Prayer for Today

Lord, equip me with the supernatural ability to forgive those who have hurt me. Guard my heart when old emotions threaten to surface. Holy Spirit, search my heart and reveal unforgiveness and help me to replace it with forgiveness. Amen